Touching Lives through Values Education

By: Rio Marie R. Orillo G-11 Mandriva

   The Interface Computer College of Davao conducted a simple yet conscious effort activity through the Values Education Seminar & Workshop. It entails good values and integrity. The Junior High School and Senior High School students participated in the said activity.

          Mrs. Vangelyn B. Cordero opened the hearts of the spectators. Her heartfelt messages and quotes infused with self-love and moral-packed lessons lead the students on how to make better choices in their lives.

          “Only you can make things bigger if you start the change within. If you make the choice now, everything else will follow," she stated.

           Wisdom, laughter, and silent realizations were all over the air. Several volunteers also made their appearances in the scene and the typical silence in the area was broken with revelations. The seminar and workshop have been planned and curated with beautiful moral lessons that will abide to give internal cure and remedies to everyone.

           Indeed, this once-in-a-lifetime talk could make something in the lives of the ones who impart it. As B. C. Forbes stated, "Vitally important for a young man or woman is, first, to realize the value of education and then to cultivate earnestly, aggressively, ceaselessly, the habit of self-education."