
Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week

“Prioritizing Health-Based Approach in Drug Abuse Prevention and Control,” 
Words by: Paul Benedict Algrabre, BSIT
SG Board Member, Information, Marketing, and Media Creatives Committee

           Interface Computer College, Inc., Iloilo Campus recently observed Drug Prevention and Control Week 2024, a crucial initiative aimed at maintaining a drug-free and healthy campus environment. Held on November 23rd from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the event featured a comprehensive discussion led by PCPL. Carla B. Cacho, LPT from the Philippine National Police.

PCPL. Cacho provided invaluable insights into the dangers of drug abuse, covering its harmful impact on physical and mental health, as well as the severe legal consequences associated with drug-related offenses.

          A significant number of participants from the entire ICC community, including students, faculty, and staff. Notably, members of the Peer Facilitator Circle and the Student Crime Prevention Committee played a pivotal role in organizing the event and actively engaging their peers in the discussions. This collaborative effort fostered a sense of collective responsibility and encouraged open discussion about the dangers of drug use.
Drug Prevention and Control Week 2024 served as a powerful reminder of ICC's commitment to provide a safe and motivating learning environment for all. By equipping the campus community with knowledge about the dangers of drug abuse and empowering them to make informed choices, ICC continues to strive towards a healthier and more prosperous future for its students.