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Senior High School Policies and Directives Orientation (Manila Campus)

By: Ms. Angel Sonza, RPm


             Interface Computer College Manila Campus scheduled a two day seminar for the detailed discussion regarding the school policies and directives. It took place last June 3, 2019 for Academic Track and June 4, 2019 for Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track at the school’s Audio Visual Room.

             An opening remark was once again led by Dr. Emily Dimla as welcome for the official SHS students of ICC. It was followed by a detailed explanation regarding school’s policies and procedures, minor and major offenses and its sanctions. Ms. Rachel Lorenzo, RN the attending school Nurse talked about the Clinic’s rules and regulations, clinic forms and basic sanitary etiquette while Ms. Febrelyn Macay, RL the school Librarian discussed the Library policies and procedures. Mr. Jerone Hachac, one of the Technical Officers was able to share basic insights in using the computer laboratory properly and the procedures in requesting devices such as projectors, speakers etc. while Mr. Jan Dela Cruz the school’s Property Custodian discussed the procedures in borrowing kitchen tools for the TVL students. Ms. Ma. Angel Sonza, Rpm was able to explain the basic goals and services of the GCO such as the annual career guidance day and other activities and seminars in the future.